Our Legacy


Founders of Women’s Center for Wellness (shown left to right) Kathleen Usher, Jane Titus and Laurel Holland.

Authentic Women Circle was founded in August 2013, and grew out of the legacy of three similar, yet distinctly different, women’s centers that came before us. The original center is on Long Island in New York, the second is in New Hampshire. The third center ceased operations in Massachusetts shortly before we opened to make way for our organization. We owe our legacy and the baton pass to them. That organization, Women’s Center for Wholeness, was founded in 1997, as the Women’s Center for Wellness, by Laurel Holland, Jane Titus and Kathleen Usher, three of the most soulful women who  walk this Earth. Their vision and guidance, along with the nurturing of a wonderful group of women who followed them for 15 years, is the foundation on which Authentic Women Circle is based.

While all women’s organizations that came before us are very different, the one key similarity among us is the embracing of eight simple guidelines that have literally changed the lives of hundreds of women.

The guidelines are the core of our common mission to help create a place where women feel worthy. Once a woman truly feels worthy, she can do anything, including helping the men and children around her discover the very same feeling.

The result is peace. This peace within becomes a shared integrity.

We are grateful for everyone who guided us to open Authentic Women Circle.

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